The Garfield Show is a French/American CGIanimated television series, created by Jim Davis, and produced by Dargaud Media and Paws Inc.[1] Based on the American comic strip Garfield, also created by Davis, the animated series focuses on a new series of adventures for the characters of Garfield, Odie, and their owner Jon Arbuckle, alongside staple characters from the strip and a number of unique additions for the program. Both Davis and producer Mark Evanier, who previously wrote episodes for the 1988 animated series Garfield and Friends, co-wrote stories for the program, with the cast including Frank Welker, Wally Wingert, Julie Payne, Jason Marsden and Gregg Berger.
Garfield:ගාර්ෆිල්ඩ් episode 1 සිංහලෙන් හඩකවා ඇත
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