A renowned filmmaker receives a mysterious call from an old college mate in the middle of the night. Asandhimitta, whom he recalls as a large and voluptuous woman, asks him to make a film based on her life. She then confesses that she was recently involved in a triple homicide of three women and is taken into custody shortly afterwards. Intrigued, the filmmaker attempts to piece together her fragmented story for a film while Asandhimitta herself awaits her fate in a local prison....
◼️Asandhimitta:(2019) Movie Info
◼️IMDB Ratings: - 7.5/10
◼️Languages: Sinhala
◼️Movie Stars: Nilmini Sigera,Dharmapriya Dias,W. Jayasiri,Shyam Fernando,Gayani Gisanthi....
◼️More Info:- Asandhimitta (2019)
◼️Runtime:1h 36m
◼️Rip Info Movie Quality: DVD 720p 2Ch HEVC x265
◼️Movie Size: 385MB
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